All information here is updated since begin of the recording of MyLightningDetection. The distances refer to the location of station Westfield (United States / New Jersey).
Asema Westfield (United States / New Jersey)
Record longtime data since: 2018-12-13 13:47:17 UTC
Salamaniskuja havaittu: 1,338,468
Station active: 676.8 days
Station inactive: 25.6 days (608.5 tuntia without GPS)
Max stroke count per hour: 929
Minimum distance: 2.3km
Maximum distance: 13,121.2km
Signaaleja paikannettu: 117,342,258
Iskusuhde: 2.3%
Paikannussuhde: 1.1%
Max signal count per hour: 39,975
Max stroke count per hour: 43,443
Max stroke count per day: 598,139 (2017-06-25)
Minimum distance: 1.3km
Maximum distance: 16,204.7km
Max signal count per hour: 38,568,726
Maksimi asemia / salamanisku: 757
Aktiivisten asemien maksimi: 1,593
Max available stations: 2,050
Datan keruun alusta: 2011-05-06 10:10:52 UTC
Salamadatan tuonti: 3,747,416
Liikenne palveluun: 355.2 MB/Day
Stroke ratio by distance
This graph shows the stroke ratio over distance since start of data collecting.
Stroke ratio by bearing
This graph shows the stroke ratio over geographic direction since start of data collecting.